Jose Antonio Picazo

Picazo raises influences from Russian constructivism in terms of the use of different materials and the integration of technology..

Texts, publications and interviews


7 November 2023 · Ximo Rochera

"«I am a technophile and I believe that machines could replace us so that we become more human»"

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Interview with the artist Jose Antonio Picazo Picazo Studio Seville 17, Valencia In mid-September the inauguration of Picazo Studio took place, the new space of the French artist Jose Antonio Picazo located on Sevilla Street, in the heart of the Ruzafa neighborhood.

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That mixture of science and spirituality that characterized the Czech painter Frantisek Kupka, to whom the artist himself refers, goes through the work of José Picazo. In fact, the title of the exhibition that houses his most recent works at the French Institute of Valencia, Anterior future, already suggests that game between the past and the future, between the nostalgia of an artisanal world and the fear projected by robotization that is increasingly present in our lives. «My speech is not negative regarding technology, because we live with these rhythms, assures the artist.


Exhibitions and artistic career

2023 – 2024

Contemporary art on the road

Traveling exhibition curated by Felicia Puerta, where the common link is the work on paper.

2023 – 2024

uninhabited architecture – Shipyards

Collective exhibition organized by Makma, around the theme of abandoned industrial spaces. With Xavier Montsalvatje, Sebastian Nicolau, Rafa De Corral, Antonio Alcarraz.

Video library of Jose Antonio Picazo

360º interview

Jose Antonio Picazo

"The human being is in a permanent balance between good and evil and the technologies that have appeared in the past have demonstrated it."

Picazo Studio

Do you know my studio in Ruzafa?